Korea Woman's Christian Temperance - KWCTU


My Cup Overflows

절제회 | 2016.02.17 10:41 | Hit 3602
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 My Cup Overflows is a testimony of the martyrdom of Reverend Yang-won Son, written by his eldest daughter Tong-Hui Son. Reverend Son, commonly referred to as the "Atomic Bomb of Love," earned this moniker not only for his ministry and love for lepers, but also because he pleaded that his sons' murderer, whom he adopted, be pardoned. This example of love put into action has spread the growth of the Christian faith in Korea.
 TONG-HUI SON is the eldest daughter of Reverend Yang-won Son.
 My Cup Overflows is a truly inspirational testimony that challenges people of our time to examine their complacent hearts and sense an urgency to act in faith, love, compassion, and forgiveness.
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