Korea Woman's Christian Temperance - KWCTU


Report of Cambodia WCTU in November, 2019

절제회 | 2019.11.28 16:51 | 조회 3166

Report of Cambodia WCTU in November, 2019

On November 19, 2019, CWCTU had her regular meeting and

Held the Temperance Lecture at Cambodia Presbyterian Seminary to 120 students.

The students were workers who serve the local churches.  Therefore it was moving for us to see them listen with much enthusiasm and take notes of the lecture.

We give thanks to the Lord and give Him glory, who allowed us to give lecture at such a beautiful place.  We thank you for your prayer and support.

At 2019, Cambodia Missionary Society Conference of 700 missionaries,

CWCTU Secretary, Mrs. Soon Ok Choi, who attended the 41st World Convetion of the WWCTU introduced the CWCTU ministry to other missionaries in Cambodia.

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