Korea Woman's Christian Temperance - KWCTU


News of Temperance Work in Korea and Overseas

절제회 | 2015.05.18 11:17 | 조회 7346
1. The 7 resolutions, KWCTU Annual Campaign has published for the government, parliament, schools, and churches, have been received so warmly that the General Secretary of the Korean Presbyterian Church wrote an article that Korean Presbyterian Church should renew her observance of the temperance week and temperance Bible study as regular subject of the Sunday School, a woman member of parliament handed in a new law, that FAS warning phrase should be written on every bottle of liquor.  

2. Yonsei University, YTC, is planning to hold a Green Cafe, and temperance seminar on May 28.  The YTC members will share the new YTC pamphlets, which will be ready for the YTC campaign at Yonsei University. 

3. Another exciting news is that professors and students from Ewha Woman's University came to KWCTU headquarter to form a new YTC  at the university.
Ewha Woman's University from which I got my BA in English Literature is a Christian University, founded in 1884 by a Methodist missionary, Mrs. Scranton., from the U.S.A..  If you go into its homepage (http://www.ewha.ac.kr/)
 you will find it to be a woman's university with good reputation. Four professors, two in College of Education, one in College of Dancing and Athletics, and one in College of Nursing, will support the YTC which will start at Ewha formally from June 15, 2015.  

4. Dr. Kyung Il Park, Asian Field Worker of the WWCTU, is going to visit Cambodia, sent by Ewha Woman's University, to teach at Cambodia University in Nursing in June.  She is going to give also a special lecture at the Cambodia WCTU, which is actively holding the temperance seminar montly as high schools in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The missinoary, Rev. Ji Chul Chung and Cambodia WCTU members are  eager to hear Dr. Park's lecture on FAS, which will be delivered at their monthly temprance seminar. 

5. KWCTU also sent clothes and fund for the refugees in Nepal.  Ms Myung Hee Goh a missionary from Korea is there running Music School, who also has formed NWCTU.  She is actively involved in rescue mission at present.

I see the Lord moving hearts of the KWCTU members and YTC members to share the Gospel and the message of the temperance movement with their friends and neighbors more and more. May the Lord bless all the White Ribbon Sisters around the world to intercede so that the Body of Christ be renewed and revived in His Holiness and reach out to those around us who are in need to hear the saving love of Christ and the call to live in His holiness.

Ephesians 5:18

In Christ,

Jung Joo Kim
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