Korea Woman's Christian Temperance - KWCTU


2016 WWCTU World Convention Resolution

절제회 | 2016.09.12 17:03 | view 3180

World’s Woman’s Christian Temperance Union

Triennial Convention, August 18 – 24, 2016




Whereas, alcohol is the most used drug of choice worldwide; and

Whereas, alcohol is the world's third highest risk factor for disease; and

Whereas, alcohol is a known carcinogen; and

Whereas, conclusive evidence shows that alcohol consumption does not improve health; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the members of the WWCTU continue to vigorously and publicly advocate for a life of total abstinence.


Whereas,cyberbullying is a relatively new phenomenon of bullying with the intent to harass, threaten, or abuse another person by the use  of cell phones or the Internet; and

Whereas, it appears in all age groups, but is most common among teenagers and young adults;and

Whereas,it is extremely hard to stop or prevent cyberbullying which can leadto serious personal suffering including distress, anxiety, loneliness, depression, and even suicide; now, therefore be it

Resolved, that members of the WWCTU offer guidance to youth in the use of cell phones and the Internet, warning them about the risks, and furthermore support victims by intervening as soon as cyberbullying is detected.


Whereas, of all areas of abuse, domestic violence is the most widespread and usually most invisible to others; and

Whereas, domestic violence includes physical, emotional, mental, and sexual harm; and

Whereas, women and children are the primary targets; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the WWCTU increase worldwide public awareness of the importance of changing domestic violence from an internal family matter to a crime recognized by society and prosecuted by law.



Whereas, for the fetus there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman; and

Whereas, it is possible to completely eradicate FASD; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the members of the WWCTU rededicate their efforts to educate about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy and provide programs to encourage and support pregnant women to totally abstain from alcohol.


Whereas, Human Trafficking is a fast-growing vice for the purpose of organ-harvesting, sexual slavery, forced labor, and/or military actions; and

Whereas, the victims,forthe most part, are helpless women and children recruited from low-economic countries or politically or religiously persecuted migrants from war-torn areas; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the WWCTU support governments that seek to arrest traffickers and bring them to justice and that individual WWCTU members pray for victims and give aid to organizations who help them.


Whereas, the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union has been an advocate for world peace since its founding convention in 1891; and

Whereas, the message of the White Ribbon movement is one of love toward all and peace among all nations; and

Whereas, the WWCTU is a supporter of the peaceful resolution of conflict around the globe; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the WWCTU advocate for peace around the world, seek to eradicate all forms of hate speech, and work to eliminate barriers built between nations.


Sarah F. Ward, (USA) Chairman

Anneli Klemetti (Finland)

Pastor Irja Eskelinen (Finland)

Dr. Jung Joo Kim (Korea)

Brita Nilssen (Norway)

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